

This project features an interactive online exhibition designed for kids and young adults, complementing the physical 'Sachsen Böhmen 7000' exhibition at the Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz. It includes five different minigames that provide insights into the information and shared heritage of the neighboring regions in Central Europe. Each game is crafted to be engaging and educational, aiming to deepen the understanding of cultural connections across borders. Funded by the European Commission, this initiative was part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, highlighting its significance in promoting cultural knowledge and appreciation.

    client: Pluslab, Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
    tasks: concept, design, modeling, animation
    add. modeling/animation:    Marcel Wiessler, Robert Frenzel
    concept: Pluslab, Sebastian Werner, Marcel Wiessler
    programing: Marcel Wiessler
    audio: Casimir von Oettingen
    speaker: Michael Tomalik
    narrator: Conny Wolter
    year: 2018

Game screenshot: slingshot and target

Bread slice out of the comic game