Experience a captivating journey around planet Earth with this interactive animation of the International Space Station, featured at the 'Spektakel Digital' exhibition in Volkspark, Halle (Saale). Displayed on a 50-inch 4K screen, the animation showcases meticulously crafted modules, inspired by their real-life 2015 counterparts. The animation dynamically adjusts its pace based on the viewer's proximity to the screen. Approaching the screen slows the animation, allowing viewers to explore intricate details such as the crew's daily business and smaller onboard gadgets. Conversely, moving away accelerates the sequence, highlighting broader phenomena like Earth's rotation and solar panel adjustments. This responsiveness is made possible through a hidden ultrasonic sensor, enhancing engagement and deepening the educational impact by demonstrating the space station's complexity and operations in real time.
Bachelor Thesis
Multimedia| VR-Design
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
Earth textures from NASA
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